I'm preparing the workbook for my upcoming chess summer camp. This year most of the problems come from the games of Vasily Smyslov. His quest for harmony and truth in chess performance will be the theme.
Here he faced Svetozar Gligoric in the Chigorin Memorial, Moscow 1947. Smyslov had Black.
Scholastic players and parents: Many of the posts on this blog feature lessons developed for youth chess players. The label "Problem of the Week" links to posts that contain my "lesson of the week" from September 2011 through April 2017, and then again occasional posts from 2021 on.
I am available for one-on-one lessons in person or online. Use the contact form below if interested.
Hi James. Dept. of FWIW: I reopened my old chess blog, minus the politco/philosopho blathering, at Robert Pearson's Chess Blog.