13 May 2012

Training Log

For another week, I neglected my ambitious training regimen. I did enough tactics exercises to satisfy my self-imposed requirement of a minimum of fifty, and otherwise played a bit too much online blitz. There was a game 29 tournament that I had intended to enter, but a toothache curbed my enthusiasm.

With Shredder, I worked an insignificant eight puzzles.

1647 puzzles: 12890/16470 points 78%
last 10 puzzles: 79/100 79%

Through two sessions, I attempted 67 problems on Chess Tempo.

Problems Done: 1262 (Correct: 710 Failed: 552)
Percentage correct: 56.26%

I am following the Gelfand -- Anand World Championship match. After game one, I spent some time researching the database history of the players' unusual Grunfeld, but did not find the time to post my comments.

More important than chess, I took advantage of the nice weather to get my herb garden put together. Last year, the supports for the box that held the garden collapsed. We bought some simple shelving upon which to place pots, and set up these shelves inside the box at the edge of our deck. With this new system, some of the herbs will migrate into the house in the fall. It is possible that I will have fresh thyme, rosemary, cilantro, and even basil through the cold months.


  1. The Anand vs. Gelfand match has been a real snore. The US Championship has much more interesting, decisive games IMO.

    1. I'll grant that the US Championship has many exciting games, but draws or not, the World Chess Championship always captivates my interest. I enjoy careful probing for weaknesses by two players who have spend many hours preparing for one another, and the excellent analysis of their efforts by commentators.

      I also embrace the boredom when it results from neither player complaining of yogurt at the chess board, nor of how often the other employs the loo.
