The position prior to White's thirteenth move appears in seven games in the Chessbase online database, which does not include this game for some reason.
Here, Rytshagov played 13.Nf5!?
This move, acccording to the Chessbase database was previously played in Sulskis - Izoria, Ohrid 2001. That game, and the current one both continued
13...exf5 14.Nd5 Qb7 15.exf5 Nde5, and then diverge.
Here Sulskis played 16.f4, but Rytshagov played 16.f6.
It appears that 13.Nf5 has been played only twice, and that White won both games. Yet, the idea behind this sacrifice may show up in other positions. Perhaps it merits further research. First, however, it seems important to make the effort to understand the purpose behind the sacrifice.
This is an extremely common theme in all of these scheveningen positions, d5 must be taken at all costs, the e6 pawn must be eliminated. The other purpose of this sac is opening the e-file and making an attack on the uncastled king down the two central files possible.