In round two I reached this position with the move.
Black to move

I played 16...Rxh7?? and slowly was ground down. This position came as a result of both players missing tactics, just as we did in our game in September.
Nursing the Blitz Addiction
My Sunday morning warm-up contained a tactic that is easy when you know you're looking at a problem, but sometimes players fail to solve it with seconds on the clock. Here's another example of the same pattern.
White to move

Inexplicably, White played 20.Nxd4??
The rest was easy. It was a 3 minute game. The blunder from this position took 1.5 seconds off the clock. My last five moves also took 1.5 seconds.
See also Damiano's Mate.
What was played after Rxh7? I assume Qf4 since i cant see another way to defend queen and the mate on h2.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you know the mate of Boden, Morphy, ... also?
Chesstiger, yes he played Qf4, the move I failed to anticipate because I was not playing well.
ReplyDeleteI believe I've posted once on Boden's Mate, and at least once on Pillsbury's, which is almost identical to Morphy's--the difference being whether the rook (Pillsbury's) or bishop (Morphy's) is the piece giving check. Morphy's Mate gets its name from a game that Morphy played, while Pillsbury's Mate appears to derive its name from an apocryphal game. See Pillsbury's Mate