Creating Checkmates
In this week's chess clubs, young players create checkmates that fulfill specified conditions on cards drawn at random. There are eighteen different cards. The deck contains as many as six of each card, but some in less quantity. I suspect that the original deck had card that are now missing.
These were left behind by a coach who preceded me at one of the schools. I would like to know their origins.
Some samples:
Create a checkmate using:
White: King and Queen
Black: King
Create three different mating patterns.
Naturally, I hope some team of children will create:
Create a checkmate using:
White: King and two Bishops
Black: King
Create mates both in and out of the corner.
Create a checkmate using:
White: King and Knight
Black: King and Rook
Create mates for both sides.
Do the kings have to be in the corners?
Create a checkmate using:
White: Kc3, Qg4, and Bg1
Place the Black King on a square where it is:
a) Checkmate
b) Stalemate
c) White to move and mate in one.
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1 day ago
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